Monday, April 1, 2013

Dream Pod 9's Aurora Magazine Issue 7.2 and my story

Just follow click the link below and you will find me on page 12!
Aurora Magazine Issue 7.2

In all honesty, all anyone looks for is recognition in the art they work in so allow me this moment on the podium. I have been painting since 2000. I started with re-painting Mage Knight figures or using washes to darken the already painted figures. Once Mage Knight was cancelled by their maker WizKids, I sold all my Mage Knight figures and started a a Menoth Warmachine army by +Privateer Press.

As a hobbyist with a limited budget, I purchased Apple Barrel Craft paints as my medium. Unfortunately, I had to sell this army and put my hobby on hold. Two years later, at the urging on my wife, I one again started to build another army. This time, it was a White Scars Games Workshop army for Warhammer 40,000.

This time, I did use Citadel, Vallejo and once again Apple Barrel paints. I had not learned about washes yet but I unknowingly used the same concept by thining down my Apple Barrel Brown and painted the crevices of my models as seen on the Land Raider. My White Scars army was ultimately sold for a Tau Army and a Warriors of Chaos army for Warhammer Fantasy.
At this point, I had learned about washes and techniques such as dry brushing. Quickly running out of storage space, I sold my Tau and Warriors of Chaos in exchange for my return to +Privateer Press Warmachine's Khador.

In my search for alternated gaming systems, I found Dark Age Apocalypse which was more known as a skirmish game.

I also found Flames of War by Battlefront Miniatures which due to scale was much faster to paint. (The camoflaged tanks are mine.)
This brings me to my latest army in the Heavy Gear Blitz world - Peace River Defense Force.

This may have put a large stumbling block in my Road to Adepticon 2013 but the game system and models are amazing and such a joy to paint. I must admit that I am addicted to painting these models. I have actually painted 5 models within a 24 hour period. I can honestly say I have 2 each of every weapon loadout available for the Warrior gear. Also, you may want to look into the developement of their new video game +Heavy Gear Assault based on the Heavy Gear Blitz world. It's an incredible world.

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