Monday, April 22, 2013

Adepticon 2013 - Day 5

On the fifth (and final day), I woke up early to have breakfast at the Egg Harbor Cafe. If you attend Adepticon, I highly recommend this place (as does everyone in the area) because it is affordable and a bit of a walk but worth it.
When I returned, I watched the Clash of Kings Tournament final where the Orc Marauders smashed the Elves. After having a photo session with Ronnie, he revealed new information on future expansions and all I will say is watch Kickstarter on, Friday, April 26.
I was able to finally learn Hordes and I can say, Hordes feels like it has more synergy than Warmachine. Then there was the raffle draw where I was hoping to win the airbrush kit from Badger. I actually won a KR Multicase 160 which was unbelievable. As soon as i got back to my toom, i threw away all the white Mantic boxes and filled the case with the undead army I did not get to play.
We then had a pre-party in Teras' room before the After-Con Mixer. We all shared stories and basically talked hobby. As a group we went down to the dinner before the poker tournament (for others) and game board night (for me). My friends from across the pond found it a travesty that I had not learned Bloodbowl so they schooled me. After the first game, I found out why. Now I want to join the league held at the local hobby shop. I was also able to play the co-op game Pandemic. Co-op in a way that all players try to stop a virus outbreak. Unfortunately, the virus won. D6 Generation sponsored the event and it was a blast!

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