Saturday, April 20, 2013

Adepticon 2013 - Day 4

Well, day 4 did not start very well. I went down early for Mantic's Clash of Kings tournament and registered. An hour later, I asked about any painting requirements as my army was not fully painted. To my dismay, the other players were not happy that my army was not painted. The organizer said he will try to work it out and IF there were an odd number if players, I would instead get a demo for their game Dreadball. Since the organizers decision is final, I agreed. Now that I am thinking about it, it was unfair as I paid to be in the tournament. First thing tomorrow, I will ask Ronnie's (from Mantic) thoughts on this.
It also freed some if my time to get demos done. I played Firestorm Armada, Deepwars, Robotech, and Malifaux. I was able to get a promo figure from Robotech and was convinced to buy a Deepwars Starter.
Then came my Dark Age Tournament. Looking forward to show off my fully painted army, there were only 3 players in attendance. The other 2 players were brand spanking new players with unpainted figures. So we started to set-up with the organizer playing the 4th player. As we were setting up, the organizer asked if we wanted to hear about the new revisions. So for the next few hours, we chit chatted about the new rules and changes to army building. We then played the new rules. I was up against a Brood Eradicate army with Numbskull. I had the same army with a Pudthrower. I won with my Rachets taking down the Numbskull and Sawblades. The organizer then gave all of us starter sets of the Kukulkani. What a great way to end the day.


  1. Hi Randy! Patrick here, i ran the demos! Thanks for the post and pics! Glad you liked Deep Wars so much. Stop by the Stygian Depths on Facebook or the forums for more info. Antimatter Games just announced the redesigned swimming "flight" stands on his FB page.

  2. You did a phenomenal job! Thanks and I already forwarded the pictures to Adepticons Flickr page. Looking forward to seeing more next year!
