Monday, March 4, 2013

The Road to Adepticon 2013 - Part 4

Well, the first unit of 60 zombies have actually been finished!

These were completely painted as of mid-February. The following is a rundown of how I had painted them.

Primer - GW Chaos Black Spray
Base for Skin - Citadel Tallarn Flesh
Wash for Skin - Citadel Leviathan Purple (this will make the flesh looked bruised)
Drybrush for Skin - Apple Barrel Peach
Wash for wounds, mouth and guts - Secret Weapon Bubblegum Pink
2nd Wash for wounds, mouth and guts - Citadel Baal Red
2nd Drybrush for guts - Apple Barrel Lavander
Base for teeth and bone - Citadel Dheneb Stone
Highlight for teeth and bone - Apple Barrel White
Wash for teeth and bone - Citadel Dheneb Stone
Final Highlight for teeth and bone - Citadel White
Wash for eye sockets - Citadel Badab Black
Highlight for eyes - Citadel Snot Green

Brown Cloth
Base - Apple Barrel Brown
Wash - Citadel Devlan Mud

Red Cloth
Base - Apple Barrel Brown
Drybrush - Citadel Mechrite Red
Highlight - Apple Barrel Red

Yellow Cloth
Base - Apple Barrel Brown
Drybrush - Vallejo Gold Yellow
Highlight - Citadel Sunburst Yellow

Blue Cloth
Base - Citadel Mordian Blue
Drybrush - Citadel Enchanted Blue
Highlight - Citadel Enchanted Blue with a very small amount of Citadel White mixed in

Green Cloth
Base - Citadel Knarloc Green
Drybrush - Citadel Snot Green
Highlight - Citadel Snot Green with a very small amount of Citadel Sunburst Yellow mixed in

Here are some of the close ups.

As you can tell, I use a large mix of name brand paints and lesser known paints. When I first started painting, I started with Apple Barrel Paints which is a very cheap craft paint. Now craft paints are not the best options for miniature painting as the pigments usually come out as powdery. This actually works well for my painting style as the powdery effect comes out like a dusting usually similar to weathering pigments. As always, and questions or comments are very welcome.

The next unit up to paint is the 40 Ghouls.

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