Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Adepticon 2013 - Day 1

Well, today I hopped on the plane and had a short 3 hour flight into the Chicago Midway airport. Now, I do have to give kudos to Teras Cassidy from Geek Nation Tours. From the transfers to the tour of the grounds, Teras was a one man show. He walked me to the check-in counter and then gave me a tour while entertaining other tour participants around questions.

The rest of the day I had planned to volunteer to help out the Adepticon staff after I had lunch. So again Teras walked me over to the group and introduced me. The rest of the day was spent sharing stories with everyone else.

The welcome dinner (included in the package) started off a little slow as Teras was again pulled away assisting other participants who arrived late due to flight problems and a storm that rolled in while I was having lunch. While waiting, we all got to know each other. Aussies and Brits all playing Warhammer 40K and Fantasy. It seems that I was the odd man out playing Flames of War, Kings of War and Dark Age.

While we were eating, I got to know some of the volunteer staff and podcasters and then the guest of honor entered - Victoria Lamb! I have to admit I was starstruck being in the presence of the legend herself. Before she gave her speech, we got to meet many podcasters - Screaming Heretic, Overlords, Bad Dice, and OhioHammer. Victoria gave use a history if how she started back in the 80's! When she was going over the number of Golden Demons she has won and some of the reasons she did not win, I just wanted to drool over the figures she brought with her. Which I am happy to present photos of these award winning miniatures.

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