Sunday, June 30, 2013

Adepticon 2013 and Sports Games

Of the many games I played at Adepticon 2013, I really enjoyed the sport games, specifically, Dreadball and Bloodbowl. In the time since then, I have chosen the teams I wanted to play with different reasons in each game. First and still unfinished are the Chaos Team from Bloodbowl. The very first question I asked after my first game of Bloodbowl was which team killed the most. So, my friend Mark Perre built me a team to kill my opponents.

1 - Minotaur
4 - Chaos Warriors
6 - Beastmen

So far, I have lost two of my games against an Undead and Lizardmen team. The lizards were too fast and the Undead just would not die (again). I did get about 5 Lizardmen into the graveyard.

As for my Dreadball team, I went for a versatile team that had jacks, strikers and guards. Since I did not have any of the rules, I bought a Corporation Starter Box and received Gabe and Logan MVPs.

"Lucky" Logan
Jonathan "Gabe" Gabriel
2 - Guards
3 - Strikers
3 - Jacks

I also took this chance to use a theme I always tend to gravitate towards. The green and gold of the Green Bay Packers have been the very first theme I painted (Warmachine Menoth Faction). A futuristic football team was the perfect fit for my theme. Please do leave comments an let me know if I did justice to the Packers uniform. Thanks!

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