Monday, February 25, 2013

My Heavy Gear Blitz Cataphract featured on Facebook

I am pleased to share my first and biggest recognition I have ever recieved. The Canadian based Dream Pod 9 which produces the incredible game Heavy Gear Blitz have actually featured a model of mine on their facebook page. Just click here to view their page and comments by their players.

Here are a few more photos for your enjoyment!

Cataphract (as featured on their facebook page). Yes, it was done in less than 8 hours.

Warrior IV and Chieftain IV also done in less than 8 hours.

 Owl C3

Dark Coyote 

Heavy Vulture 1

Raptor Commando

Heavy Vulture 2

Please do leave comments and visit Dream Pod 9 to learn more about Heavy Gear Blitz! Thanks!

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