Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dream Pod 9's Badlands Rally Show Your Colors Competition Entries

Contest Details
"In advance of the Heavy Gear Badlands Rally preview release at Gen Con this August, Dream Pod 9 is announcing the Show Your Rally Colors rally gear painting and rally gear persona contest. Paint up what you would like to see as your personal Rally Gear, with racing strips or a flashy paint scheme,  go all out on it.  This is not a conversion contest, you only need a stock Gear miniature which must be from either the North, South, PRDF, NuCoal  or Leagueless factions and it must be a Gear,  no striders, tanks or other vehicles. The entry deadline is Monday morning  October 7th, 2013.

Also, we want you to create your Rally persona as well to post with your miniature photo, with a Rally Gear name and its "call sign", Pilot name and "nickname", and Pilot Byline "what they like to say".

Here is an example of the Rally Jerboa  which is included in the game box:

Rally Gear Name: Rally Jerboa "Booster"
Rally Pilot Name: Sam Yatani "Skyhigh"
Pilot Byline: "Every cockpit equipped with a big red button labeled 'booster'."
(Please nothing inappropriate, we reserve the right to make any changes required.)

All entries will have their Dream Pod 9 Forum Title changed to their Rally Gear name and its call sign as a reward for entering. There will be two winners of The Show Your Rally Colors, the first will be for the best Rally Gear paint job. The second winner will be for the best Rally Gear Persona, including the gear name, call sign, pilot name, nickname, byline and rally gear painted with your matching personal  paint scheme (this is not judged on the painting quality).
Each winner will receive a special set of terrain to place on top of the Badlands Rally Map for a full 3D racing feel. Set includes 4 stoneheads standing, 4 stoneheads submerged in the sand, 1 small stoneheads trio, 1 badlands tower, 1 badlands shed, 1 destroyed hunter, 1 destroyed jager and 1 barnaby gear transport wreck."

Entries posted on Dream Pod 9's Forums

Here are my entries for you viewing pleasure! Let me know if they have a good chance against the other entries. Comment below.

Rally Gear Name: Rally Pitbull "Wrecker"
Rally Pilot Name: Jack Andretti "Wheeljack"
Pilot Byline: "If you're trying to ruin my day, you're gonna have to try harder."



Rally Gear Name: Rally Pitbull "Reaper"
Rally Pilot Name: "Kid Death"
Pilot Byline: "If you pick a fight with a god of death, I can't guarantee your soul's safety."

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