One of the main reasons I am going to Adepticon 2013 is the Clash for Kings event by Mantic Games. The prize offered by Mantic for this tournament is a cool $1,000 for the champion. Now, with this being a game I have never played, I am relying on beginners luck. From their Kickstarter, here is my army:
1-Lich King, 2-Necromancers, 3-Balefire Catapults , 3-Werewolves, 5-Wraiths, 5-Revenant Cavalry, 40-Ghouls, 40-Revenants, 40-Skeletons and 60-Zombies.
Of course, I finished building the figures last January 13 and will have a fully painted 1800 point army for Adepticon 2013. This would be the largest project I have ever taken with a total of 199 figures. The most figures I had painted at one time in one unit was my Holy Zealots for the Warmachine Menoth Army - 10 figures plus 1 unit attachment which was close to 8 years ago.
The plan - I will start with the largest unit which is the 60 zombies and work my way down the least number of figures in the unit. Considering the time, I hope to achieve a good tabletop quality paint job. I have already written out my paint scheme for all the figures with blue and green as my army colors. Please do leave comments and wish me luck. Thanks!